Surfin’ for a Mama Artist

I was browsing the web looking for blogs from moms who work hard to find the balance between raising their kids, maintaining a home/career, and indulging in whatever art form speaks to them… and that’s when I stumbled across this woman’s site. Her most recent post really illustrated what I look for in a Monday Muse, and I love the way she took a frustrating situation and highlighted all the perks. It can be so easy to forget such perks when you just want ten minutes of un-interrupted time to finish that paragraph you’re writing, that face you’re sketching, that photo you’re editing…whatever.

Sometimes all the interruptions can be really disheartening and make the finished project seem an impossible dream…but deep down I know one day I will be begging my children for 10 minutes of THEIR time, so for now that paragraph can wait. But as this Monday Muse Judith Hunt says, “Being a mom made me a healthier, happier, and much more complex artist.” I need to remember how much my children enrich my life, not just frustrate it.

Enrich your  life with a visit to her site: the Art Farm.

Now I need to go, my baby has just enriched my life by taking her own pants off.

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