My word for 2019

It’s a new year. Yes, it’s a time for resolutions and goal setting, but it’s also a time for reflection. A time to look within, to review what’s behind us as we prepare for what’s ahead.

As a self-proclaimed lover of lists, you can bet I’ll be writing out bulleted lists of goals and scribbling down plans in my calendar. But for right now, on this first day, I want to go slow. Ease into the new year gently, the way one takes that first step on freshly fallen snow.

I’ve never picked a “word of the year” before – not that I can recall, anyway. But this year, the urge to do so has led me here, with a word that has been whispering in my ear and pattering around in my heart for many days. My word of the year is…

Rise – because I wish to rise above the petty aggravations and minor frustrations that I allow myself to get bogged down in all too often.

Rise – because I need to rise above the hatred and nastiness that seem to spread with alarming ease, leaving me with a sad heart and a soul heavy with dread.

Rise – because I want to rise above my fear of failure. Let go of the weight of self-doubt and stretch my arms, reaching out with both hands to the dreams that are within my grasp.

Rise – because this year does indeed mark the moment some of my dreams are coming true, and therefore I mean rise quite literally, as I hope to see my books climb the charts.

Rise – because the reality is, things won’t always go the way I want, and inevitably, bad comes with the good. I must prepare myself to rise above the negative, and resist the temptation to let one dark moment dull the shine of many bright ones.

Rise – because, in the end, that is the choice I must make. To sink or swim, fall or fly. This is my year to soar, and I’m ready.