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Recently, I have realized something about my writing process. In order for it to happen, it needs to happen first. Seems simple enough, right? Why then, do I keep trying to convince myself otherwise? I will settle in for a writing session and think, “let me answer a few emails first,” or “I need to…

Lighting Up Those Summer Nights

It has been a chilly spring around here… some days it feels like we skipped right past summer and looped around to fall again! But as June approaches, anticipation builds and I dream of warm nights, of sipping wine on the patio, and listening to the sounds of summer. After another cold spring day (it’s…

Need Help Setting the Mood?

With temperatures dropping into the 30’s and snow predicted for tonight, I can almost understand stores who deck their halls and aisles with Hallowmas – aka that bizarre trend where Halloween rubs elbows with Christmas… Wait, no I can’t.  October is for Halloween. All Hallow’s Eve is less than 10 days away now, and if…

SnippetSunday (11): Soul Searching

Good Morning fellow Weekend Writing Warriors, I apologize for the added step this morning, but due to a long list of issues: personal, virtual, physical, and digital, I have not been able to participate in 8Sunday for a month…I am happy to be back on board the WeWriWa train, but for now I have ask…

8Sunday (10): Hello Again

I decided to change my selection for today’s snippet at the last minute. It has been a devastating week across America, from terror in Boston to explosions in Texas. Here in Chicagoland we’ve had major flooding, some roads are still closed near me…that is nothing, of course, when compared to the rest—and I send up…